Monday, May 31, 2010

First day of SA!

I'm finally in Johannesburg, South Africa! Well technically I've been here for 24 hours and it's 10PM right now. I'll go backwards shall I?

Today I woke up SUPER late but it was nice because I had been completely exhausted for the 24 hrs prior. I went to The Glen, which is basically a mall, think Vallco circa 1995 but still not as nice. Walked around a bit and a worker guy gave me his email and cell number to "communicate" with him so I could pack him in my suitcase and bring him home. He's the first. Not to toot my own horn but I'm sure it's the first of many. OH FUNNY STORY! Before that I jumped (literally b/c my ride was driving away as soon as I opened the door) out of the car and started walking to the entrance and some man was trying to get my attention. I definitely ignored him and I heard him say to his buddy, "Oh she must be Chinese." mUAHAHAHHHAHAH. yes. Let's just call it that ey?

I'm already picking up some of the South African speech. They add "ey" to almost anything but not the Canadiana "eh." It's more pleasant. I dunno. The other thing I like is that apparently every woman is my "sis" and for guys it's "brother" or some Afrikaans thing. I wish I could say it but it'd be sooooo wrong if I did. Went to a couple shops and saw that the jerseys here are easily $50 more than home. Maybe by the end of the cup they'll go on massive sale. Yes, even abroad I'm a stingy girl. Speaking of South African speech, stop lights are robots etc, etc is "walla, walla, walla." Yeah. I'm definitely going to bring that back to the States. And don't you try to whap it out of me because I'll just whap you back with, "HOWZIT?!"


  1. haha howzit and how goes it are the two i remember a lot. and bru (said like brew) for brother. aww makes me miss SA. Also I really hope you get to hear the birds there. They have the most amazing calls. haha <3
