Friday, July 9, 2010

Port Elizabeth and Cape Town

What a journey/adventure this one was. My friends Ana, Jess, Rafiq and I started this one off in an airplane to Port Elizabeth. The airport there is incredibly small even though it's an international airport. We had no idea where we were going to stay or how we were going to get around but Somebody Above loves us and we got a call from a friend of one of the volunteers who had a B&B room available and also came to pick us up. It was very windy but HOT there. We dropped our stuff off and went straight to the beach for some beachside dining and fun. The ocean wasn't as warm as Durban but still warmer than the Pacific and the Atlantic. We walked around for a bit and it turned out that they had a Boardwalk too!

We of course had to shop for a bit and then ended up sitting and watching the Cape Town quarterfinal at this nice little Italian restaurant where I had a glass of rose wine. It was so delicious! The next day consisted of going to the stadium which in and of itself was crazy because we ended up having this public bus, and not MINI bus but BIG bus, take us all the way through a township (like a mini tour) to the stadium. The PE stadium was great aaaaaaaand we went barefoot on the pitch and then was immediately escorted out. Haha.

From PE, we hopped on an InterCape bus that took 14 hours to get to Cape Town. Thank God it was an overnighter because I would've gotten so antsy and squirmy but I took some unisom and it was all good. 5 minutes away from the Cape Town Station our bus broke down and we switched buses. Again, thank you God that we weren't in the middle of no where. We ended up at the station only about 10 minutes behind schedule and got to my sister's place 15 minutes before the sunrise. After the beautiful sunrise we bade my sister goodbye and then promptly went back to sleep. For lunch we ate at this wonderful bakery and then went to the V&A Waterfront to catch the ferry to Robben Island.

Robben Island the second time around was quite different. It may be because of the different visitors but it was a little easier to take in but still just as, if not more moving. I think I was a little overwhelmed the first time. I did have the same guide which was great. That night I got a huge fever and that carried into the next day so I had to opt out of hiking Table Mountain a second time. Shame. I got better though and was able to get up to sneak into the Cape Town semi-final!

From Cape Town we had one last bus ride... this one took 18 hours. This bus was an actual sleepLINER so it was much more comfortable than the last. Good way to see the country!

I'm thinking the next post will probably be the day after the final.... if I have enough energy.

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