Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ouch 11 days gone...

Wow. 11 days gone and I have not updated. I will blame it on my lack of internet access. But I have to admit that part of it is the fact that I am seriously on the go all the time.

I have a couple more phrases that I'm bringing back to the states with me: "pleasure" when someone says thank you, waTer not "wadder" for H20 and SERIO?! when I don't believe something... that one is from Brasil.

So what has happened in the last 11 days? Well I just got back from Cape Town and Durban which were both absolutely specatcular.

Those are only 3 of the the things that I saw and experienced in Cape Town. My sister and I hiked up Table Mountain and the first picture is about 1/3 of the way up. Miraculously the next day my legs felt okay! During the hike I felt like collapsing... mmm let's round up to 3 times? But overall it was an experience never to forget. I can't really see how a person could literally fall off the mountain but there definitely were times where I could see myself falling and smacking my face into the wonderful rocks.

The second picture is my first meal in Cape Town with my sister and her her 2 friends. Yes. It is is all meat. Lamb, pork, beef and sausage. Do you see any plates? No? Because there weren't any. Just wonderful servilletes (napkins for you American folk, yet another word I may start using just so I can feel superior.. haha). Beer, meat, good company and football (*coughsoccercough*). Can life get any better? And that was just a smidgen of the deliciousness that my sister introduced me to. We went to a milkshake bar and of course on the flipside we went to one of the highest ranked high tea places in the world. And now that I've had that, I never want to go back. I want all those cakes, breads and teas available to me at all times. Le sigh.

Who can go to Cape Town without seeing Robben Island. The last photo is one that I'm sure almost everyone who goes to Robben Island has: Nelson Mandela's cell. It was such an interesting experience, especially the part of the tour where the guide was one of the former prisoners. It was difficult to soak in because we were being rushed but just to walk where Mandela walked and sit where he sat was incredible.

Durban was an absolute blast. Me and 12 other international volunteers bussed to Durban and back, but in between I had deliciousness called bunny chow, thin waffle with ice cream and fish and chips (for the first time in my life). Although the fish and chips burned my fingers they were AWESOME! The Durban Fan Fest was really fun too.

I will try to update more often but I will also probably update again tomorrow to talk about the adventures to the different stadiums.. :) Until next post!

1 comment:

  1. Coool!! Nelson Mandela's cell. That's so awesome. And the all meet and no forks and knives sausage... AWESOME. Hike?? AWESOME! I broke my back from a hike last week. :) Miss ya! Keep deez updates comin!
